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Björn Lomborg

How to fix climate change. But Smartly. | Bjorn Lomborg, Climate Policy Researcher, Youtube (2023-11-03)

Dr Bjorn Lomborg is the founder and President of the Copenhagen Consensus think tank, which researches the best ways to solve the world's greatest challenges. Bjorn believes that huge sums of money we want to spend on the climate could be spent more effectively to improve human wellbeing.

Energy really underpins our progress and progress is dramatically increasing. It's also very likely that it'll keep increasing and climate change is not going to undercut. Yes climate change is a problem but it's by no means the end of the world. And this is important. This is the story that we need to get out because that means we can start being smart both on climate and on all the other challenges the world has so fundamentally energy is incredible for our lives it underpins pretty much everything and lift us outr of poverty we know this for a fact the more energy you have the richer you are the Richer you are the more energy you have this is true for all nations in the world but if you think back it's not really very surprising if you think what happened before fossil fuels what we really saw was that you had virtually nothing you lived off of the organic energy you had food fod and firewood this is all very hard to scare scale and that's why for most of our life we have lived in poverty on this planet you would like to get more muscle you don't just eat more

Energi driver utvecklingen. Den kommer inte stoppas av klimatförändringarna. Dessa förändringar skapar problem, men leder inte till jordens undergång. Detta måste spridas. Då kan vi ta itu med klimatet och alla andra utmaningar vi står inför. Energi är den grundläggande förutsättningen för våra liv och har lyft oss ur fattigdomen.


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Adm: Hans Iwan Bratt, hibratt@gmail.se | 241012